

数量: 编号是分配给每个申请pg电子官网州立大学的学生的学生编号 Community College (as of July 1, 2019). 的 number is used to log in to myWallaceState to register for 类, pay tuition, check 金融援助, etc. 见学号.

ACCUPLACER: ACCUPLACER 评估考试是为了决定学生在数学和英语班的分班吗. ACT成绩达到20分或SAT成绩达到470分或以上 最近三年的英语成绩也不需要参加分班考试 as students who have taken the ASSET or COMPASS test within the last three years.

兼职: An adjunct is a part-time instructor, usually teaching evening courses.

Attendance Verification (AV): 学生每学期上的每门课都需要进行出勤证明 to maintain their schedule. It is also required of students receiving financial aid in order for the distribution of balance checks. Students can track their Attendance Verification through their myWallaceState account under the Student tab.


黑板: 黑板上 is the application through which students and 教练 communicate. 教练 make assignments and students submit assignments through 黑板上. 它还提供 announcements to students, faculty and staff; a calendar, address book, and other tools for students to use to stay on track.


召开: pg电子官网州立大学的教职员工是否在学期开始前召开会议.

Co-requisite: 通常与允许学生注册的英语或数学课程有关 在同一学期的两门课程中,一门是发展课程,另一门是发展课程 the next-level course in that subject.

CRN: Stands for course reference number. Each class is given a unique CRN used during the registration process. 


天: 时间表使用缩写来表示每周提供课程的天数.




R =星期四

F =星期五

S =星期六

DegreeWorks: 的 online source through myWallaceState that helps students track their progress and provide guidance for courses to take that fit within their degree plan.

支付: 支付是指发放学生财政援助账户中剩余的资金 after tuition and fees, books, etc.,已被移除。. 的 money is delivered by check and usually sent out two weeks after 类 begin.

双重登记: 双录取 允许11-12年级的高中生获得高中和大学学分 at the same time, advancing their college degree by up to two years.


教员值日: 为教师留出完成专业发展或相关任务的天数 他们的程序. No 类 are held on these days.

快速通道: 快速通道 pg电子官网州立大学和当地学校系统之间的合作关系是否允许 高中三年级和四年级学生有机会完成长达两年的大学学习 coursework before high school graduation. All coursework is taken on Wallace Sate’s 校园,但学生仍然可以回到他们当地的高中参加 in extracurricular activities.

FAFSA: FAFSA 是联邦学生援助免费申请的首字母缩写,pg电子官网 寻求任何类型的经济援助或奖学金的州立学生必须填写. 学生应在下个学期前至少两(2)个月完成FAFSA 开始.

Flex术语:  Flex Start 类 refer to online 类 that begin after Drop/Add ends. 他们开始 after Mini Term I and full-semester courses and before Mini Term II 类. 然而, 尽管开学日期是灵活的,作业、考试和其他评估 are all due by the end of the regular semester. 的refore, these courses are for highly motivated students who can complete assignments successfully with less time

翻转类: 翻转课堂允许学生在课堂上做作业,在网上做其他事情 讲座等.).


平均绩点: GPA是你的平均绩点,由你获得的成绩的平均值决定, 并且是通过将获得的质量分数乘以每个人的信用值来计算的 课程和所得的总质量分除以尝试的总学分. 学生的GPA按每学期计算,并按学生的学期累积计算 大学生涯.


混合类: Hybrid 类 are those that are taught mainly online, with occasional on-campus 访问的测试或实验室,与访问的数量在教师的自由裁量权.


地点: 在在线注册链接的校园下面列出了课程的校园位置. Understanding the abbreviations will be helpful.

MAIN refers to the Hanceville campus

ONE1 refers to the Oneonta Technical Center

ONE2 refers to the Oneonta Academic Center

APT refers to the Cullman Airport

JPB是指J.B. Pennington High School

TBA是待定,如果地点还没有确定时使用 打印.


迷你术语: 每学期提供迷你学期,将常规学期的课程压缩为更短的课程 time period, often half of the semester. Dates for each term are listed in the schedule. A number of courses in a variety of subjects are offered during each Flex Term.

myWallaceState: myWallaceState is the portal students use to apply for admission, register, keep track of their 时间表,成绩和成绩单,支付学费,查看课程时间表,大学 目录和更多.


Navigate pg电子官网状态: 定制的在线工具,帮助学生提前计划和管理他们的大学经历, including reminders of important dates to remember.


在线类: 在线课程是指所有的讲座、作业和考试都在网上进行的课程 通过计算机. Students can watch lectures through Tegrity, and assignments and exams are usually delivered through 黑板上. Most online courses require Respondus testing. 在线数学课也有期末考试要求,考试时间在校园内安排. 有特殊情况的学生可以被批准参加监考 位置. In such situations, the student is responsible for securing an approved 经认证考试中心、大学、 or university at least two weeks prior to the scheduled exam date. 在线课程 是否在课程表中为每个科目指定了单独的在线标题. 


途径: 通路 鼓励学生从四个广泛的研究领域中进行选择-应用技术, 健康科学、文科/通识教育和STEM(科学、技术、工程、 数学). 学生可以从以下四个最符合他们一般兴趣的领域中选择一个, before choosing a major within one of those pathways.

佩尔助学金: 佩尔助学金 一种不需要偿还的联邦财政援助形式是否与贷款期限一样长 student remains enrolled each semester; awarded based on need.

先决条件: 先决条件是一门课程,评估考试成绩或ACT成绩要求进入 or advance in a course.

计划: PLA或先前学习评估衡量专业/职业经验的价值 that can be applied as college credit.

Priority Registration: 学生优先提前注册的注册时间表 based on the accumulated credit hours completed at pg电子官网状态

Professional Development Day: Days set aside for faculty and staff to earn Professional Development points. No 类 are held these days.


回到第四章: 当学生收到“超额支付”的经济援助资金时,要求返还 在学期完成的60%之前,从班级中撤回经济援助,并且 fails to pass a minimum of one credit hour. Future federal financial aid awards from pg电子官网州立社区学院或任何其他学院将停止,直到超额付款 is repaid by the student.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): SAP每学期都要进行测量,以确定学生是否达到了要求 receive Federal Student Aid. Students can track their SAP on their myWallaceState account, under the 金融援助 tab-Financial Status-SAP Status. 参观学院 catalog (Page 39) for detailed information.

学生数量:  A student number is assigned to each student who applies to pg电子官网状态. 截至秋季 2019, that number 开始 with an A. 的 number is used to log in to myWallaceState to register for 类, pay tuition, check 金融援助, etc.


稍后通知: TBA is for To Be Announced, used if a 位置, time, day, or instructor has not been determined when the schedule 打印.

:设计、 An online resource for students to watch lectures recorded by 教练; for use 在混合课程和在线课程中,或者在传统课程中作为参考 教练.

成绩单: 成绩单是你的教育经历的记录,并且作为申请的一部分 application process to enroll at pg电子官网状态 Community College. 学生亦可 view their most recent transcripts via the Student Records tab on myWallaceState.


W:数量 W号是之前分配给每个学生的学号的第一个字母 至2019年7月1日. 

pg电子官网ID: pg电子官网ID是学生第一次注册时分配的电子邮件地址 类. 该ID用于他们的pg电子官网状态电子邮件帐户和登录黑板上 和设计、.

Web协助: Classes with computer lab time on campus with an instructor on hand to assist.